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Installing Bonobo

The Bonobo toolchain is written in Dart, and includes everything you need to build applications productively.

Getting the Toolchain

  1. Make sure that the Dart SDK installed, and in your PATH.
  2. Install the toolchain by running pub global activate --source git
  3. The toolchain will now be available in your system as bonobo.

Available Commands

Run bonobo help for a full list of available toolchain commands. The following are some you might use very often:

  • bonobo compile - Verifies and compiles a Bonobo program to C.
  • bonobo info - Dump information about the current module.
  • bonobo language_server - Runs a Language Server Protocol analysis server.
  • bonobo doc - Generates documentation for a Bonobo module.
  • bonobo format - Formats a document of Bonobo code according to opinionated guidelines.